Jetty nights

Revisiting those city lights, the worlds global attire wore finer for there a place newer, the cusp, expiring then to the artificial drone. Eloise remember the dark light firstly, should i remain two to ten, past horizons, pass the cusp, as hubris minutes make form, oceans to sea, the night lamp expired, eight minutes Eloise remembered. They love at being late, hesitating those with speculation, eyeing sound structures, akin to the first of seventeen open hours. I reside one eight an ten to the past minutes, minus they in bays of light.

The cost of a late reply, or an in journey, the loss of a replace, remains you one casual of the aware, having the oceans conductive of insight. “Eloise listened to my empty scroll that night” made no sense i see, making no sense known to me, those fragile spills, proved salient for an eternal tangibility.

We share the last of sharing retorts memoirs, notably the lamp shading remained artificial to the sunday dial. Eight-less the time one minute should retake Eloise’s moments of measures, correcting in placing another to pass the time, conductive, an wellbeing, reassures eternity places them, redefined by latitudes are they where by i slumber to his land.

2022 © Adam Blewett

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