The Alone Party

There were a familiar five, conception the moon given to rally a proletariat feast, tables then to ten, five lasting him in production of firstly bereft the defiant sequence of events. They never had to chance the needled thoughts, occupation to studios to ember with the foreseen, sharing the gravity, placed them closely to the familiar tides, ageless departs to use the page of no worth to world him in return. Jealousy made to the pity of whim, your fare resides to have usefully abandoned you, as you’re our vulnerable words, spoken never depleted, artifact in exhibitions reconstruction, baleful times concerning with a healthier world.

Know not the paradigm of time, forget yourself to be the cause of defiance, your concern is not of our concern. The question of failing stands you here, adopting the rallies are of a fortunate nature, eat one less opportunity, find those to practice the adaption of healing with wisdom, those words as the thicket hides an alibi. Any news of those suffering the past, must be dealt the views of forgiving, endangered artifacts have no closure, they remain bereft of remembrance.

Tenth the hour long words, Plato’s vision obscured by lacking a timely revision, metadata keeps those secrets erroneously from the corruptible, an in intelligent worth, accreditation goes to the opposing of hate, choosing to pave with our formidable surrender. Those usual concerns, leave them by adoring the defiant choice of words, tender, constructive to the resolution, fewer a moon feast has never brought more articulated joy of then once harmonious a present.

2022 Adam Blewett ©

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