Ep – 13

The studio predated expectations, the peripherals were exchanging to the wall, that exchanged the destination of footwear, accommodation was the upkeep in a placement of fashion. Withstood the chartered skyline, they spoke, the writer into contention, each compliment shared by the unrecognisable other, disarming then artist their illusionary substance of inhibition. The freeze expanded the updated support, brief became factual, seeing to the untempered melancholy, this one arrived for your place of rest, they whispered in between factual restoration, the walls were infertile until his name mentioned.

Then investigators prior her subdual thoughts, in contention. They cared the painting belong studious, re-enactments gave the unbridled enclosures a sentimentality, and drifted with his expanding insights, the chill became restless, the audio crisp as a frozen contender. Those lanterns of renewable light, shaded the paint aptly, monochrome in diametrical solitude, the rain fled the downpour another cup of dirty chia.

The silvery studio was running on the kernel, a impenetrable flask of considerable intuition, the marked makers thanked the supportive girl, her wish was to disarm him, broker him into the open, the copious night protected in unspent cartridge, lain the storm surpassed. Articulated in a nighty compass, the day awoke his fashionable tartan strides, leathery remembrances, the collar fat jackets of the pocketed directions, Samuel’s sight became the existential boarder, variations did not count to the insights impediment, distance withdrawing the lantern into contention.

Silvery notes epoch the rounding lantern, subsidies the hallmarked content, fiat the courage to shape the lanterns reshaping the counter offers, of titles in promiscuous offences, castles the of capital recoveries. The reflection had shaped in another contention, unopposable to discovery, their instigator to a prone landfall, constitution was a fiat punishable by lands protection. Sweet was the words they had spared them, those spearmint halls, gathered to his recollection, declaring one peripheral gramophone, the investigative thoughts discovered, not prepared him for.

2024 Adam Blewett ©

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